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Sales And Marketing Articles - Right Time - Right Message

When it comes to making the most of your online sales and marketing articles it's really a matter of getting the right message in front of the right people. Sounds simple, doesn't it? And while it's not that hard, it will take some trial and error. Don't expect to hit it out of the park your first try. You might, but it will be almost guaranteed to be a fluke and probably won't be repeated.

Instead view your marketing as a work in progress. You will want to test various keywords and articles to see which ones perform the best for you.  You should be willing to invest several weeks, or months, to find just the right 'formula'. Once you've got it dialed in that's when the magic happens. Once you know that you've got a winning article all you have to do is rewrite it, keeping the focus and the keywords the same but changing it just enough to make it unique, and re-submit it.

Do this with several sets of keywords and you're going to get all the traffic you will need. And, that traffic will be highly targeted and totally free!

Another thing to remember is that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of online article directories that will accept your well written, unique article and publish it. You don't have to worry about being rejected, you're not submitting a novel. As long as you follow their terms of service and abide by their rules your article will be published.

There are two schools of thought as to how many articles  you should submit. Some say submit as many articles to as many directories as is humanly possible, while others say it's about quality over quantity. In other words, several well written, keyword optimized articles will give you all the traffic you need so you don't have to submit hundreds of articles.

Personally, I think an approach that lands somewhere in the middle of these two extremes is best. Submit a lot of articles, about 50, using several keywords spread out over the articles. Submit them to several online article directories.

Another thing to keep in mind to increase the effectiveness of your articles is that they must be on topic. If you're selling product or services in the dog grooming niche you wouldn't write an article about bird watching, would you? Believe it or not that is exactly the type of mistake many people make. Keep your articles tightly focused on your niche market and their needs

When you write your resource or authors box make it something compelling. Don't just say, 'click here for more information". Yawn. Instead be intriguing and tease your readers. Pique their curiosity or offer them something free if they click through to your site.

To get the most out of your sales and marketing articles just use common sense. Provide your readers with a well written, informative, keyword optimized article and a strong call to action in your resources box and this is an extremely cost effective method of getting hordes of hungry visitors to your website.


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