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Colorado Hiking Guide for Denver Dog Lovers

It’s great to know there are some real dog friendly towns in Colorado, and Denver sure is one of them. There are motels and hotels and quality, quaint inns that cater to dogs and their owners. There is much for your furry friend to indulge in too, when you and your dog decide to hike Denver.

How Far You Can Expect to Travel for Colorado Hiking with Your Dog

Denver is a bustling metropolis with a large population, but if you travel to the outskirts of town and a little beyond, you can find a great selection of Colorado hiking trails that are easily accessible. If you are not looking to travel too far and just to do a little Colorado hiking with your dog, you can find many neighborhood communities that have a huge network of hiking and biking trails that you and your dog can enjoy exploring.

Washington Park for Colorado Hiking

Those dogs that are in the know come to this park they affectionately refer to as “Wash Park” for one of the liveliest canine scenes for socializing. There are 154 acres to discover and there are two small lakes and several options for strolling with your dog. There are many other facilities at Washington Park, but many do not allow dogs.

There is a trail made of crushed gravel that is approximately 2.6 miles in length and it traverses the outer edges of Washington Park. There is an inner trail that loops twice around the park each being approximately 1 mile length. This can be a great workout for you and your dog.

Colorado Hiking in Cherry Creek State Park

If you go west of Denver, you will find Cherry Creek State Park which is well known for the reservoir on site. This area is rated way up high on the list of preferred canine Colorado hiking spots because of its off-leash, 60 acre section that is located on the south end of the park. Once you reach the dog boundary sign, you are free to let Fido loose and have a ball. Don’t forget to bring his favorite toy such as a Frisbee, stick or tennis ball. When you visit Cherry Creek State Park, you and your dog will get quite the workout when you utilize this Colorado hiking destination.

Chatfield State Park for Colorado Hiking with Your Dog

Well known for its reservoir and its aquatic recreational pursuits, dogs will be far more interested in the off-leash area that has been put aside for their exclusive use. This area can be found in the northeastern corner of the park. The official name given to this section of the park is the “training and exercise area,” but your dog will know it as a place to romp and play with other pampered pooches.

Having your dog as a walking and hiking partner can give you more reason than ever to begin an exercise program. If you live in the Denver area or her outlying regions, you can find many scenic as well as vigorous Colorado hiking trails that will keep both you and your dog in top shape.


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